Virtual Public Meeting for FARM-TO-MARKET ROAD (FM) 1171 in Denton County
From Interstate Highway (IH) 35W to West of FM 156
CSJ: 1311-01-055
July 8, 2021
This virtual meeting begins on Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 6 PM and will remain online through Friday, July 23, 2021 at 11:59 PM. During this time, please view the project materials and other information provided on this site to learn about the project and provide your comments.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and Denton County are proposing the construction of a new location non-freeway roadway of FM 1171 from IH 35W to west of FM 156 in Denton County, Texas. Construction within the project limits would be proposed as both urban and rural.
Within the urbanized sections of the roadway, the new location non-freeway roadway would consist of three 12-foot lanes in each direction, with an 18-foot wide median, 14-foot inside shoulders, 2-foot outside shoulders, a 10-foot wide shared use path, and a 6-foot sidewalk with American Disabilities Act curb ramps in both directions. The usual right-of-way (ROW) width for the urban roadway is 200 feet.
Within the rural section of the roadway, the new location non-freeway roadway would consist of two 12-foot lanes (ultimate 6-lanes) in each direction, a 60-foot wide depressed median, 4-foot inside shoulders, and 10-foot outside shoulders for bicycle accommodations within the rural section of the proposed roadway. The usual ROW width for the rural roadway is 200 feet.
12-foot wide turn lanes would be constructed where appropriate at various locations throughout the project corridor. Proposed drainage will be conveyed by curb and gutter, a storm sewer system and crossing culverts. The design speed for the proposed roadway is 40 miles per hour (mph) for the urban sections and 70 mph for the rural section.
The project also proposes the construction of two new bridges:
- The proposed FM 1171 Bridge section spanning FM 156, B.N.S.F. Railroad, the GE Test Track Railroad, and Justin Cemetery Road, a length of approximately 535 feet. The usual ROW width varies from 250 feet to 300 feet.
- The proposed FM 1171 Bridge section spanning Denton Creek, a length of approximately 2,940 feet. This bridge will be constructed in phases interim and ultimate. The interim phase would consist of two 12-foot lanes in each direction with a 22-foot inside shoulder and a 10-foot outside shoulder. The ultimate phase would consist of three 12-foot lanes in each direction with a 10-foot inside and outside shoulder. The usual ROW width for both phases is 200 feet.
Click here to view the narrated video presentation:
The presentation slides and script are also available in PDF format here:
CSJ 1311-01-055 FM 1171 VPM PowerPoint
CSJ 1311-01-055 -FM 1171 VPM Script
You may click on any of the project exhibits below to view them at full size
FM 1171 Virtual Public Meeting Board
FM 1171 Memorandum of Understanding Board
FM 1171 We Invite You to Board
FM 1171 Existing Roadway - New Location
FM 1171 VPM Route Segment Map_07-06-21
FM 1171 Proposed Roadway - Urbanized Roadway Section
FM 1171 Proposed Roadway continued - Rural Roadway Section
FM 1171 Proposed Roadway continued - Bridge Structures
FM 1171 We Request Your Feedback
FM 1171 Thank you for your interest
The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require additional ROW, and potentially displace one vacant structure.
Information about the process for state purchase of ROW and relocation assistance may be found in the following pamphlets:
Relocation Assistance: English
Relocation Assistance: Spanish
State Purchase of ROW: English
State Purchase of ROW: Spanish
The deadline for providing comments is Friday, July 23, 2021.
Comment Online: Comments may be completed and submitted online by clicking here:
Comment via email or mail: The PDF Comment Form may be completed on the computer or printed and handwritten and can be submitted by email or mail. Click the links below for the PDF Comment Form.
PDF Comment Form: English
PDF Comment Form: Spanish
Email comments to
Mail Comments to:
TxDOT Dallas District Office
Attention: Nazrul Chowdhury, P.E.
4777 East US Hwy 80
Mesquite, TX 75150-6643
Verbal Comments: Call (833) 933-0441 and leave your comment on the voicemail. For the official documentation, please clearly state your name and address before your verbal comment. You will be able to record a 3-minute long message. Your comment will be transcribed and included in the meeting documentation.
Contact the TxDOT project manager Nazrul Chowdhury, P.E. to ask questions about the project at or (214) 320-6156.