Cooperative Inclusion Plan (CIP)
Currently, with the on-going highway projects under construction or in development in the Dallas‐Fort Worth area, the ability to align contractors with regional highway transportation providers is critical. The Cooperative Inclusion Plan (CIP) was developed to provide a consolidated structure for area disadvantaged, minority, women, and small businesses and historically underutilized businesses (D/M/W/SBEs and HUBs) to take full advantage of the contracting opportunities in the highly competitive highway construction industry.
What is the CIP?
The CIP is a comprehensive approach to addressing the shortage of D/M/W/SBEs and HUBs in highway contracting. The CIP provides a road map for addressing this challenge and aims to bring together the key highway players and contractor associations to close this gap. The North Texas region is a dynamic and diverse community. The CIP paves the way to build on the foundation of inclusion by unifying the key professional organizations, highway organizations and community leaders to collaborate toward feasible strategies.
What are the goals of the CIP?
The CIP focuses on the following four goals, which are monitored to assess performance:
- Expand pool of qualified D/M/W/SBEs and HUBs certified to perform highway construction
- Increase dollars spent with local D/M/W/SBEs and HUBs in highway construction
- Grow bonding capacity of D/M/W/SBEs and HUBs
- Increase number of D/M/W/SBEs and HUBs capable of serving in prime roles
Five Key Focus Areas
- Education: Develop greater understanding of key processes and requirements for the highway industry
- Access: Provide D/M/W/SBE and HUB firms with greater access to key industry decision makers. Connect current and potential highway contractors to qualified subcontractors
- Availability: Expand pool of firms ready, willing and able to perform highway construction work
- Capacity: Help strengthen the skill set and business acumen of interested firms
- Utilization: Expand the participation of firms in Texas Department of Transportation and North Texas Tollway Authority procurements to increase potential use of these firms to perform highway work
CIP Partners
- Asian American Contractors & Professional Association
- Regional Hispanic Contractors Association (RHCA)
- The Associated General Contractors of Texas (AGC)
- Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
- North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA)
The CIP partnering organizations represent a network of entities that are committed to facilitating increased diversity participation in highway procurements and providing opportunities for training, mentoring, networking and business development for D/M/W/SBE and HUB firms.
The CIP combines the expertise of the region’s professional contracting organizations – Asian American Contractors & Professional Association, Regional Hispanic Contractors Association, and the Associated General Contractors of Texas – to provide the guiding posts for short‐ and long‐term strategies. As the major highway providers in the region, the Texas Department of Transportation and the North Texas Tollway Authority have joined with the professional contracting organizations to advance current initiatives that are aimed at ensuring that the region’s diverse makeup is carried throughout its procurement processes. Brief overviews of the partnering organizations are included in this section to provide further information on their missions, goals, values and diversity efforts.
For more detailed information regarding the CIP or to print a copy of the informational CIP Resource Guide, please visit the following link:
Contracting Opportunities
- Contract Letting
- Contract Bidding
- Comprehensive Development Agreement
- DBE Program
- HUB Program
- SBE Program
Training Opportunities
CIP Classes
2020 CIP Classes
- Class #1: Navigating TxDOT Website and NTTA Marketplace - January 17, 2020 - COMPLETED
2019 CIP Classes
- Class #1: In Depth Navigating TxDOT Website (February 14, 2019) - Dallas District: Debra (CIP) / Nora (DBE Coordinator) 9am-10am (Registration 8:30 am/Network Opportunities till 12 pm) @ DAL-Tran Bldg. - COMPLETED
- Class #2: TxDOT Compliance (CIV) (March 21, 2019)-Martha Arnold (CIV) 10:30am-11:45am (Registration 10am/Network Opportunities till 12pm) @ DAL-Tran Bldg. - COMPLETED
- Class #3: TxDOT Construction Prequalification (Prequalification Division-Austin)/NTTA Bidding-Prequalification Process (Procurement Team) (May15, 2019) 9:30am-11:30am (Registration 9am/Network Opportunities till 12pm) @ DAL-Tran Bldg. - COMPLETED
- Class #4:TxDOT Spec Book & Field Implementation: (June 20, 2019)-Gerald Waltman (AE Assistant/Collin Co.) and Jimmy Davis (Inspector Development) 1:30pm-3:30pm (Registration 1:30pm-2:00pm/Network Opportunities till 3:30pm) @ DAL-Tran Bldg. - COMPLETED
- Class #5:Working with Diversity Management System (August 22, 2019)-Nora (DBE Coordinator) 1 hour 4:00pm-5:00pm (Registration 3:30pm/Network Opportunities till 6pm) @ DAL-Tran Bldg. - COMPLETED
- Class #6:Bonding 101/Understanding Business Credit (September 19, 2019)-Tony Arps 9am-11am (Registration 8:30am/Network Opportunities till 12pm) @ DAL-Tran Bldg. - COMPLETED
CIP Workshops
2024 CIP Workshops & Webinar
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on October 17th, 2024
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on August 22nd, 2024
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on May 16th , 2024
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on March 19th , 2024
2023 CIP Workshops & Webinar
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on November 16th, 2023
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on August 31st, 2023
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on May 23rd, 2023
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on March 28th, 2023
2022 CIP Workshops & Webinar
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on March 22nd, 2022
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on June 23rd, 2022
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on August 23rd, 2022
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on December 6th, 2022
2021 CIP Workshops & Webinar
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on October 26th, 2021
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on August 24th, 2021
- CIP Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop on June10th, 2021
- CIP Workshop for Professional Services Firms Workshop on March 19th, 2021
2020 CIP Workshops & Webinar
- CIP Workshop for Heavy Highway Construction Firms Webinar on November 12th, 2020
- CIP Workshop for Professional Services Webinar on September 24th, 2020
- CIP Workshop for Heavy Highway Construction Firms Webinar on July 30th, 2020
- CIP Professional Services Firms Workshop on February 19th, 2020
2019 CIP Workshops
- Professional Workshop I (January 17, 2019)-Hosted by NTTA/@NTTA 9am-
11:30am - COMPLETED
Professional Workshop I presentation
- Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop I (April 18, 2019)-Hosted by TxDOT
9am-12pm (Registration 9am/Networking Opportunities till 12pm)@ DAL-Trans Bldg - COMPLETED
- Professional Workshop II (July 18, 2019)-Hosted by NTTA/@NTTA 9am-11:30am - COMPLETED
- Heavy Highway Construction Firms Workshop II (October 18, 2019)-Hosted by
TxDOT 9am-12pm (Registration 9am/Networking Opportunities till 12pm)@ DAL-Trans Bldg - COMPLETED
CIP Events
CIP Workshop Presentations
- Consultant Perspective- Raquel Ibarra: IBARRA Consulting Engineers, Inc. (May 25, 2017)
- Professional Services/Consultants Agenda (May 25, 2017)
- Professional Engineering Procurement Services-TxDOT(May 25, 2017)
- Procurement Services-NTTA (May 25, 2017)
- CIP Overview-Professional Services/Consultants Workshop (May 25,2017)
- CIP How to Market Your Firm for Success (September 27, 2016)
- Consultant Perspective - Eve Williams - Dikita Engineering (September 27, 2016)
- NTTA - Procurement Process and Upcoming Opportunities (September 27, 2016)
- TxDOT - Procurement Process and Administrative Qualification (September 27, 2016)
- TxDOT - Professional Service Procurement Process (March 10, 2016)
- Overview of CIP (March 10, 2016)
CIP Training Opportunities
- Navigating TxDOT's Website (October 18, 2013)
- NCTRCA DBE Certification (October 18, 2013)
- CIP University Training (October 18, 2013)
- Basics of Bonding (October 18, 2013)
Architectural, Engineering and Surveying Consultants
For more information please contact:
CIP Resource Specialist
Debra Wells Kensong at:
Email Address:
Phone (office): (214) 319-3553
Dallas District DBE Coordinator
Suzanne Commons
Email Address:
Phone (office): (214) 319-3621